Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Single at 30, So??

Over the last little bit of time I have had a few friends and family members comment on my dating life, or lack there of as noticed by others. I have been told that I will not be alone forever and that there is someone out there for me. I indeed know these two things to be the truth, the thing is though.....I am making little or no attempt to date or meet anyone. Not that I can't, I just don't. If someone were to ask me out I am sure I would oblige, it is just that I am not going to seek anyone out. Hey, if I find the man of my dreams accidentally and unexpectedly, then so be it, at the moment though I am perfectly happy not being in a relationship or married. I am perfectly content being 30 and single!

My life has been rather hectic for the last year and I have since decided that I need to focus on myself and my little people boys. However in this decision I have come to a large conclusion, what the hell kind of decision am I making, not having a man in my boys lives? Elijah is now eight, and Peyton is now six. Elijah is becoming (slowly) more of an outdoorsy kid and needs to learn more boyish things, things that I as a mom don't seem to get him to grasp. And then there is Peyton; he has been going through something in the last few months that is not cool with me and I am not sure how to handle it. He has turned from tough kid with thick skin to an emotionally, tearful youngster. I wonder if I am doing them an injustice by not having a man in their lives, in our lives, to help guide them into nice young men. I can say however they do have a lot of positive role models in their lives, who I am eternally grateful to.

Again, back to the hectic part of the last year. I (we) have been through a lot, from losing everything to slowly gaining everything back. I never want to go through any of this again, so I have decided to go back to school late next year to become a RN. It is something I should have done way back, but put it off for so many reasons. I made a list of a few things I want to accomplish by age thirty-five and that is second on my list, next to running a marathon. Which reminds me, I have started walking and jogging. I was up to doing it every day for the first month, but I fell off track and getting back on is harder than expected. I am now up to about three times a week versus seven. I am getting back into yoga too, need to be flexible for when I decide to put a man back in my life, right?!

One more thing before I stop typing............The boys have gotten out of Dougherty County Schools, halleluiah. They are now in Worth County, and they are loving it sooooo much better. I couldn't be happier about that! Here is a pic of the (nervous) boys on the first day of school. Peyton is a first grader and Elijah is a second grader!!

1 comment:

  1. Go you. All of it. Get your self back on your feet and do it without a man. That makes the man who comes around later that much better.

    As for the marathon, you have fun with that. I have no desire to do so but I need to be active more. I do good then I bomb. Not a lot of in between.
